Welt der Wunder TV, a German science TV program, dedicated an episode to the shopping of tomorrow. One report called «Faster shopping in the supermarket using a new app» was all about fast and convenient shopping experiences. The focus of the report was the technology of our shopreme Scan & Go solution as well as the shopping experience with it.
Welt der Wunder TV is a German info and edutainment TV channel about the world of science, innovation, and technology. The editorial team of Welt der Wunder TV approached us with the request to contribute to the «Digital World» TV series. «Digital World» is an exciting series for the digital future and is dedicated to stories of people, companies, and society dealing with digitization.

shopreme Scan & Go is an innovative digital technology for the shopping of tomorrow, available today. We design digital shopping experiences and take brick and mortar retail to a new level. Our smartphone app accompanies the shopper and brings the convenience of online shopping to stationary retail: more information about products, easy product search, product recommendations, and above all no queuing and waiting at the checkout. Check out our shopreme features here.