On 4th of August, 2021, ROSSMANN launched Scan & Go with the use of shopreme. This involves integrating the self-scanning solution directly as an SDK into the existing ROSSMANN app, which already has a very high penetration among its customers. Tests are being conducted in selected stores in order to prepare for a nationwide rollout after the proof-of-concept.

Shopping becomes much easier for ROSSMANN customers with Scan & Go. Customers scan their drugstore products with their own smartphone directly when taking them from the shelf and can then put them straight into their shopping bag. Without having to place the goods on the checkout belt, customers then simply pay at the checkout or at the self-checkout. The solution is simple, intuitive to use and designed to be fun – for a perfect shopping experience.
What does shopreme Scan & Go deliver for the ROSSMANN app?
- Self-scanning using smartphones to simplify and speed up the checkout process for customers and to relieve staff.
- SDK (Software Development Kit) for easy integration of shopreme features into the existing ROSSMANN app. With this approach, the rollout can be expedited.
- Scan & Go interacts with existing ROSSMANN app features such as the shopping list.
- Overview of existing coupons – the customer can already see in the digital shopping cart whether there are coupons for his purchased products or whether any are available

ROSSMANN is considered the inventor of the drugstore in Germany and is one of the largest drugstore chains in Europe. Founded in 1972 by Dirk Roßmann, the company now employs 56,300 people in 4,244 stores across Europe, including around 2,233 in Germany (State 1/2021). The successful drugstore chain operates foreign subsidiaries in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Turkey, Albania, Kosovo and, since 2020, also in Spain.
* What is an SDK?
An SDK, Software Development Kit, is a software library of interfaces, codes, and tools. With it, your own development team can customize the functionalities with little effort and build them into the existing application. The functions integrate into the user interface of the existing app and appear in its design. In addition, they interact with the existing functions and thus offer added value.
For example, in the ROSSMANN app, Scan & Go interacts with the existing shopping list function, providing a clear and convenient shopping experience for customers. Customers see the shopping list directly when scanning, and scanned products automatically disappear from the shopping list.